Monday, November 19, 2007

"Everything is Spiritual" at The River

Wow, what a great night with friends,both old and new. We had a spectacular fireworks show (please remember that if you pour match-lite charcoal over live coals they will spontaneously combust AS THEY ARE COMING OUT OF THE BAG). Not exactly safe, but then again, when should church be safe? So often we relegate experiencing God to a particular time or place (Sunday moring at a church owned building for example). Isn't God bigger than that? We watched Rob Bell's "Everything is Spiritual" after eating a mix of food ranging from Viking burgers to shrimp kabobs. After the thought provoking presentation, we hung out an enjoyed Puerto Rican Rum Cheesecake. "This tastes like love!" one friend exclaimed. The evening certainly looked like love. Seems that God isn't limited to "showing up" whenever enough people fill a building. God's already here as you read these words. The question is, are our eyes open to that reality?

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