Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Finger Feels Naked

I lost my wedding ring yesterday. Kathy and I have been married for over six years, so this was quite a shock. I’m not sure when it happened (for all I know, I could have lost it on Monday), but that has not deterred me from retracing my steps and searching EVERYWHERE.

You know you want to find something pretty bad when you stick your hand into the garbage disposal, praying that a freak accident doesn’t turn it on. Or when you approach the counters of every business you’ve visited in the past 24 hours. Or when you circle every parking space you had the day before. Or you dig through garbage cans.

Isn’t it amazing how a little band of metal can spark an all out search effort?

The Bible tells of a similar passion between God and humanity. He never gave up on trying to connect with us. He broke through time and space to call for us, to send us wisdom, to nurture us. He finally sent Himself in human form to tie the knot by dying so that we could live with him. He's committed to us.

I don’t love the piece of jewelry that I lost; I love the commitment it represents. Kathy and I tied our lives together on August 17, 2002, and that band of gold has been a reminder that we love each other through thick and thin, for better or for worse, and in sickness and in health. Communities of faith are to be committed to each other and God. No matter what. This mutual commitment is what “church” is supposed to look like. It’s what churches are supposed to be, no matter the size or denomination. It's why the church is often referred to as "the Bride of Christ".

What are you committed to? What are the benefits of commitment? The challenges? What is a symbol that reminds you of commitment?

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